History of this site

Udates on how this site developed over time


September 2017

Again one more update, Template was changed, also my image gallery was completely re-done as the old one still was using flash - and that's on it's way home.


March, 21, 2014

OMG, I forgot to mention what happened in a long time. The site now runs the current version of Joomla! 3.4. Updating from 2.5 was a breeze compared to what was the task when it came to do the upgrading from 1.5 to 2.5.


February 6, 2012

Time to do some upgrading - Joomla 2.5.x for one thing; and at the same time throwing some things over board.

April 10, 2010
Oh my - a long long period of inactivity. Well, I'm changing now to Joomla! and am in the process of overhauling the whole site. Many things will be dropped.


November 22, 2003
Update after a longish period of inactivity or rather I was active in other projects. I have re- built the entire page in XHTML Strict - with the occasional exception, where I had to use Transitional - or, even worse, where I'm still using raw HTML as in my Guest book. But I'm doing some work there too....

August 29, 2003
Added a new service just to try out: Symantec Security Response. I got this from Symantec's web site, it's a service that you can have on your own site as well.

August 19, 2003
Added picture gallery from summer holiday in Grindelwald including panoramic view from Männlichen :-)

August 1, 2003
Still this Bravenet business. I discovered Greeting Cards would no longer work, so I had to look up the new buzzwords at their site. Well, and George Goble, he's sadly no longer around so I had to delete him from my Fun Page.

July 10, 2003
Bravenet has discontinued their nice free counters, so I removed the code from my site. Who needs a counter anyway *lol*

April 30, 2003
A new SETI stats image has been added to my SETI page, as the old one no longer worked. And I have added Wannsa's home page to my link page, Wannsa is my new friend from Japan.

February 4, 2003
Update to guest book. It now supports emoticons.

December 25, 2002
Nothing really new, just an update on my link page, of course, after a couple of months, a few links will have gone...

November 2, 2002
Added photos from Montreal trip.

October 5, 2002
Added photos from Expo.02 in Switzerland - from all 4 Arteplages.

September 28, 2002
Added photos from summer holiday in Finland and short descriptions on photo gallery pages.

September 7, 2002
Addition of SETI page

June 29, 2002
Addition to Link page: Richard W. Lubrich Jr. a friend of mine. Please visit his home page. I'm working on a SETI page as well at the moment, in fact, it's all there but not ready yet. There will be news, when it's up and running. Know about the SETI project? If not, stay tuned, if you already are aware of it - let me know your thoughts.

June 8, 2002
Minor change in Layout.

May 1, 2002
A couple of updates in fun section.

April 8, 2002
Visit and sign my brand new PHP guest book. Just a simple script - I made it work in about 3 hours (most of the time I spent fiddling with color schemes).

March 24, 2002
Well, I guess, you have not noticed that I had to move servers again. My hoster was not so good after all. Too much down time made me looking at other providers, and I soon found one that I have more confidence in. I hope I have not to move that soon again :-)

March 6, 2002
A few minor things were updated. You probably won't notice.

February 27, 2002
I moved my page to a new server and I have a domain of my own now. The server also allows SSI, so I start playing around a bit.

December 12, 2001
I finally checked on my link page. A few links have gone, so I took them out. A few others have changed - I reflected these changes as well.

October 6, 2001
Now is the time that allows me to talk about September 11, 2001 - the day that not only marks the second birthday of my site but also events of disaster and horror. Birthday page

August 12-18, 2001
Here comes: photos from Djerba holiday, including a panoramic viev of the beach. And then also some photos from Zurich Street Parade (August 11).

August 9, 2001
Just back from my holiday in Djerba, I had to do another Jigsaw; but watch it, there's more to come in photo section.

July 31, 2001
I have been working on another page for the last couple of weeks. So there wasn't much happening here, just a little cleaning up on my guest book.

July 7, 2001
Hardly worth mentioning, I just added an enty in my link page, I felt I had to. It's a link to the web site of my community. It's full of bugs, dead links and inconsistencies still, but we'll see how it improves.

July 3, 2001
A change in "Where I work". It's some time ago since I moved office, and I somehow never managed to take a pic of my new home. Here it comes.

June 14, 2001
A few smaller things you probably won't notice. Amendment to Product Labels and Are you American? page.

June 3, 2001
Added quote of Mr Carroll to front page (I like Alice in Wonderland), minor changes to appearance .

June 2, 2001
More Jigsaws are available and picture postcards (added some midi files, too). Minor changes to structure behind the scene including changes to style sheet (it still meets the W3C specs).

May 23, 2001
Added page "Making of ..." in news section.

May 19, 2001
Another panoramic view, this time of the community of Buchs, also around 160kB. I'm building up some jigsaws for you to download, too.

May 10, 2001
Panoramic view of my garden. Unfortunately the pictures for these things tend to be quite large, even though I compressed heavely, it's still around 160kB.

April 29, 2001
Experiment with News Ticker from moreover.com. Added High Anxiety in fun section. Oh, and if you're looking for checkers, it moved to the fun page (last section).

April 13, 2001(Friday!)
A bit more in the fun section ... about blondes. Re-launched postcard service. Bravenet did have a problem with the company that hostetd the pics. I'm hosting them myself now.

March 24, 2001
Gourmet Jokes opened up in Fun section. And a few things behind the scene that you problably won't notice ;~}

March 17, 2001
Checkers game in news section to replace Winter Theme :-)
My page was down all of last week, they replaced the hardware at Tiscali and couldn't make it work :-(

February 8, 2001
Al Banano and Pit Gool, a new section on the fun page. And a few new things in my style sheet again; first letters and so. Unfortunately IE does not understand CSS 2 stuff.

February 2, 2001
Addition of 404-error page.

January 28, 2001
Added to fun stuff (you'll find it under The Rest) as well as a couple of new graphics to color things up a bit.

January 19, 2001
Changed a few photos, included copyright notice in display page of photos and improved style sheet (it still meets the W3C laws ;-))

January 15, 2001
need I say more? I had my style sheet tested and it passed.

January 6, 2001
A new Year, a new gimmick: Java Applet on news page that makes you think it's snowing here. But it isn't.

December 28, 2000
This is the last update for 2000, I am playing around with JavaScript a bit. A couple of things are already visible *g*. I changed things in Photo Gallery and News Page. Oh, and a selected joke was added, too!

December 23, 2000
Changed appearance of photo gallery and added a few more pictures. PGP button on my menu list had to make room for a new button leading to my phto gallery (PGP key is now to be found in the 'about me' section).

November 14, 2000
A perl script built into my search page allows searching my homepage. Have a try.
Also I gave some structure to my fun page.

November 11, 2000
My page has moved to a new server that gives me more space and the possibility to run perl scripts. The url stays the same, you possibly have to update bookmarks, though. My new server is to be found at www.tiscalinet.ch

October 29, 2000
New pic and entry in Murphology.

October 15, 2000
Introduced Greeting Card Service, courtesy of Bravenet.com.

September 14, 2000
I almost forgot that my page is one year old. To celebrate, I changed some of the cartoons in the Parisi Section and made myself a new page in the News Section *g*.

August 24, 2000
New page in fun section: St. John's.ini and some older photos from yesteryear..

August 20, 2000
Added some photos of Summer Holiday in Crete.

July 16, 2000
Added Murphology in Fun section plus two photographs.

July 2, 2000
A little addition to my Buchs page, nothing more.

June 13, 2000
I'm afraid, I did not do much to my page in the last couple of weeks. That's because I became involved in producing web sites for some friends of mine. I added a 'friends' section to my link page, though.

April 21, 2000
Improved link page that has grown as well and re-designed menu bar.

April 1, 2000
New: Page about Buchs ZH. Improved appearance in Netscape Communicator. Added to Link Page.

March 21 to 25, 2000
Added some photos from my skiing holiday to photo gallery as well as the story of the strange skier in fun part.

March 5, 2000
Minor changes in lay-out and sound files.

February 20, 2000
Added photo gallery in news section.

February 11, 2000
Added sound to my page, should work in Netscape and IE5.01

February, 2, 2000
Changed Counter to Bravenet

January 20, 2000
Included date display

January, 19, 2000
Updated American mirror site at Crosswinds.net

January, 14 2000
Updated Link Page.

January, 9 2000
Just a few small changes.

December, 9, 1999
Added cartoons by Mark Parisi in fun section with kind permission from him.

December, 7 1999
Changed lay-out a bit (I like to think: improved, but who's to know?) Added still some more fun stuff and graphics.

December, 2 to 4 1999
Added some more fun stuff.

December, 1 1999
Added graphic navigation bar.

November, 25 1999
Pepped up Fun Page.

October, 30 1999
Added fun page with section Bourne End-isms.

October, 2 1999
Introduced guest book, courtesy of www.swissonline.ch

September, 29 1999
Pepped up homepage with a few pictures taken on 28.

September, 28 1999
Changed host from crosswinds to www.swissonline.ch for performance reasons. (Swissonline no longer exists, it's called highspeed these days)

September, 26 1999
Added 'Where I live' and 'Copyright'

September, 21 1999
Added a couple of new frames and gave the news section a new structure

September, 18 1999
Ordered my own domain name at www.namesecure.com

September, 11 1999
This page opened at www.crosswinds.net